Ask + Imagine Discipleship Commitment
Contact Info
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Mobile Number
Personal Discipleship
I have a friend I could do personal discipleship with.
I know how to disciple my friend(s)
I need help figuring out which path to take to disciple my friend(s)
Name of friend for personal discipleship
Please pair me up with someone for personal discipleship
in my season of life
in a different season of life
Serve Teams
I'd like to serve on a regular basis with a church team
Next Gen- Kids, Students Team
Greeters, Cafe, Safety Team
Worship + Tech Team
I'd like to serve with a special Ask + Imagine Project.
Facility Renovation Team
Planting Team
Family Central Team
Missional Communities
Missional Communities
I am already in a Missional Community
I need help finding a Missional Community
I would like to try Missional Community with the short-term Rooted workbook