Muskego Serves - The Guest House in Milwaukee

The Guest House

Christiana Oswald is looking to organize a team to assemble meals for The Guest House of Milwaukee when requested.


The Guest House, Meal Supplement Assistance: The Guest House of Milwaukee is a homeless shelter, providing housing, meals and other necessities for up for men in downtown Milwaukee area.

They receive donations of meals from various restaurants, groups, organizations and individuals. Often, these meals could use a few more components to make it a filling meal for the guests.

We are looking for individuals to partner with Chris to create a "team" of folks that would be able to provide side dishes, breads, desserts on an "as needed" basis and get those items down to the facility (13th and Highland area) when requested. Depending on the needs, it could take 1,2 or 3 people at a time to meet the request.

We are hopeful that soon, those providing meals will once again be able to participate in serving the meals and conversing with the guests during the dinner hour. (Currently, due to COVID guidelines, there are restrictions on outside folks entering the facility).

Individuals and families of all ages welcome.





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